OLLAS was founded by a certified teacher with more than twenty years of teaching experience. OLLAS is a not for profit private school that educates students in grades k-5. OLLAS takes great pride in its rigorous academic program where student achievement is the number one priority.
Program and Services
Individualized Instruction - Students' learning will be cultivated by considering how they learn best.
Parental Involvement
Involving parents in their child’s education are strongly encouraged by the faculty and staff at OLLAS. Research shows that when parents are involved in the educational process, student achievement is heightened.
School Uniforms
uniforms will be required. Uniforms allow students to focus on their education as opposed to designer labels and fashion trends.
Students will have opportunities to go on field trips both in-state and out of state.
Students will be provided free transportation.
Dual language
Our dual language program is forthcoming.
Differentiated Instruction
Instruction will be geared towards students’ individual ability.
Take your first step to providing your child with a high-quality education by completing the form below.
Contact Form
Teaching Philosophy
At O.L.L.A.S. Academy , we are working to create hope and the opportunity for a better world.
We can only do it with your help. Join us in our mission and donate now.
At OLLAS, we fundamentally believe that every child has the capacity to learn regardless of any handicapping condition. We further believe that every child should be entitled to an appropriate education in his or her least restrictive environment, with little or no cost to parents. Our teaching philosophy can be taken in part from that old Proverb, “It takes a whole village to raise a child.” We believe the same holds true in terms of educating a child. There is a common misconception that educators are the only stakeholders responsible for a child’s education. That is far from the truth. The fact of the matter is not all teachers are parents, but all parents are teachers. We believe that parental involvement is critical for any successful academic program. Realizing this fact, we will encourage parents to play an active role in their children’s education. The truth is there are many stakeholders in a child’s education, namely: parents, students, teachers, community, and administrators; each play a significant role; however, the primary stakeholders are the students. They must take ownership of their learning. Teachers should be more than mere facilitators or cultivators of learning. They must assume the roles of coaches, mentors, counselors, advocates, and advisers. Furthermore, a teacher’s role is vital in assuring that learning is fostered in the classroom.
Scholarships Accepted
Step Up for Students |MCKAY| Financial Aid Available
For more information, call (786) 255-8944